Saturday, 28 May 2016

New Low Poly Look!

I am have been very busy looking forward to implement a new low poly style and I have to say I am quite happy with the results, please let me know what you think in the comments. I also fixed some edges between chunks and fog and water bugs. The water is now getting lit properly. I also renamed the project and gave it a more apropiate style.

Here is a comparison between the new and the old style

Dont forget to leave your opinion in the comments!


  1. Are your trees still voxels, or are they static meshes?

    How did you do your smooth terrain? Is it a heightmap, or did you use Marching Cubes on voxel data?

    I'm really digging the low poly look and pastel color scheme.

    1. Thanks for commenting. Each tree is generated and is added to the chunk's mesh separately

      from the voxels, I tried to used marching cubes but as you can see on this image it was really ugly because it generated very ugly triangles,

      the algotrithm I am using is "wrapping the terrain with low poly planes" I am giving you a

      kind of high level explanation because its not really finished and I am gonna explain it

      better in a blog post when is more developed, but if you need a good iso surface extaction

      algotrithm for low poly world you should try to implement the marching triangles algorithm

      or the regularized marching tetrahedra

      both provide a low poly look, giving you nice 60 degrees triangles. Regarding the palette I

      I choosed colors from images I liked, and I also used Pictaculous to generate palette from


  2. This looks so awesome! Keep up the good work!

    Also are you planning on making the water clear/semi transparent? (Or is it already?)
    Maybe you should make a small video (doesn't need sound or anything) of you showing the world.

    One last thing, is it randomly generated with seeds or something else?

    1. Thanks for commenting! The water is semi transparent and it has low poly waves, I was going to make a video showing the water but i could make a world tour. It is procedurally generated with seeds, later I may show various seeds, because each world has a different color palette which may lead to interesting combinations.

  3. Woow, its looks awesome!!!

    Can I ask you how do you place the trees? do you use an algorithm? I'm doing some personal projects with ProcGen, but I don't have Idea how to place the vegetation :/

  4. Thanks for the feedback!, Not really, Imagine each tree needs 15 blocks away from other, I just check almost block every to see if its away from all the other trees if it is then I place the tree. To avoid the tree from flying I place it at the nearest vertex position, this ensures me it will be grounded
