Patch Notes 0.7
- Fixed UI hiding when loading a run
- Polished animations a bit
- Added Throwing Knifes .
- Fixed another memory leak.
- Added carets to textfields .
- Added chat support.
- Fixed Obelisk Messages.
- Fixed bug were you could kill mobs out of their range.
- Added a text showing the berry count without opening the menu.
- Berries are now more rare but more powerful.
- Mobs now float in the water.
- Fixed player swimming.
- Fixed player orientation when moving diagonal.
- Reduce the amoutn of ambient occlusion at night.
- Removed the moving forward animation when shooting fireballs.
- Items can now be dropped also by animals and there is a greater chance to be dropped by humans.
- Buffed the Conflagaration spell.
- Fire spells now light up dark enviroments.
- Changed punching animation & pose.
- Fixed a bug where the camera would clip through the terrain.
- Fixed no structures spawning in objectives.
- Fixed? a bug causing crashes on AMD video cards.
- Added a new type of generation
- Mounts drop chance increased highly
- Nerfed bandits
- Balanced the game regarding leveling up.